Question: Whats another name for badge bunny?

What is badge bunny slang for?

Filters. (US, idiomatic) A woman who is romantically attracted to police officers and who seeks out their companionship.

What does a black fire helmet mean?

Black generally denotes a private/basic firefighter, yellow or red can denote a lieutenant or captain, and white denotes a chief. Sometimes all of a departments helmets are black, while only the colors of the helmet badges denote rank.

What is a firemans helmet called?

Leatherhead Leatherhead is a term for evolutions of these leather helmets still used by many firefighters in North America. Leatherhead is also slang for a firefighter who uses a leather helmet as opposed to more modern composite helmets.

Is it hard to be a female firefighter?

The entry requirements are the same for all firefighters, regardless of their gender. As a girl firefighter, though, you may need to exercise more and focus on building up your strength. Women firefighters must be able to keep up with the physical demands of this profession.

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