Question: What age Should doctors have kids?

At what age do most doctors have babies?

A majority (82.0%) of the sample were parents, 77.4% had biological children with an average of 2.3 children. Average age at medical school graduation was 27.5 years, at completion of training (completion of medical school, residency, and/or fellowship) was 31.6 years, and at first pregnancy was 30.4 years.

Is it possible to be a doctor and a mom?

Can You Be a Doctor and a Mom? Yes! Having a family and wanting to stay home doesnt mean the end of your medical career. Modern technology allows you the flexibility to work from home if you desire and still see patients.

Which country is hardest to get into medical school?

Medical school programs in Europe and Australia are pretty standardized: Medical students need to complete six years of undergraduate study, plus an internship. The exception is Germany, which requires completion of a five-year program. The toughest countries in which to become a doctor are the U.S. and Canada.

Can you be a female surgeon?

All-female surgical teams are not as commonplace as they should be, given the number of highly talented female medical graduates. According to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, half of the medical graduates are female, however only 5% of surgeons are female.

Will I regret becoming a doctor?

In a survey of 3,571 resident physicians, career choice regret was reported by 502 or 14.1% of the respondents, according to a study published on Tuesday in JAMA. For instance, 32.7% of those training in pathology and 20.6% of those training in anesthesiology said they regretted their career choice.

What does MO stand for doctor?

Master of Obstetrics for Master of Obstetrics.

Can a surgeon have a family life?

You can, but it depends on how you define rich and fulfilling. Skeptical Scalpel is a retired surgeon and was a surgical department chairman and residency program director for many years. He is board-certified in general surgery and critical care and has re-certified in both several times.

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