Question: What should I do on my first date on the outside?

What is a good first date activity?

30 First Date Ideas That Arent BoringCatch a performance in the park. “Im a big proponent of experience-based dates,” Cohen says. Go axe throwing. Howdy, partner. Plan a progressive dinner. Get sporty (at a bar) Take a trapeze class. Visit a botanical garden. Tour a brewery. Take a bike ride.More items •Apr 10, 2020

Where do you hang out on a first date?

45 Irresistible First Date Ideas Thatll Immediately Break the Take a walk. Shutterstock. Go thrift shopping. Shutterstock. Visit a museum. Shutterstock. Swap hobbies. Shutterstock. Visit a farmers market. Shutterstock. Try trivia night (and win)! Check out a carnival or amusement park. Escape an escape room.More items

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