Question: What is there to do in Gothenburg for free?

How much spending money do you need for Gothenburg?

Backpacking Gothenburg Suggested Budgets On a backpacking budget, you should plan to spend 650-750 SEK ($65-75 USD) per day.

What should I pack for Gothenburg?

If you go to Gothenburg in January, you will notice that it is frosty. Expect it to rain or snow about half of the time .What to wear/what to pack:Warm pants or jeans.Light gloves or mittens.Waterproof boots.Socks.Jacket or coat.Umbrella.Fleeces.Waterproof coat.More items •15 Aug 2018

What should I wear in Gothenburg?

What to wear/what to pack:Warm pants or jeans.Light gloves or mittens.Waterproof boots.Socks.Jacket or coat.Umbrella.Fleeces.Waterproof coat.More items •15 Aug 2018

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