Question: Is Tantan working in India?

Tantan Included in Latest 118 China-Affiliated Apps Banned in India. The Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has released a list of another 118 mobile apps that are now banned in the country, due to their affiliation with China.

Why is Tantan app not working?

The reasons why Tantan cannot be loaded cannot be more different. In most cases it is due to your own internet connection. It is quite possible that your device is in a WiFi network, but it still does not work, so you should try to access a website on the Internet using your browser.

What happened Tantan app?

Tantan, the popular dating app in China which allows users to connect through liking each other, has been suspended from most download channels available in the country as government strives to clean up content in cyberspace.

Is Tinder still banned in India?

India bans another 43 Chinese apps as border tensions along LAC continue to simmer. In a bid to keep any covert agents looking to engage with soldiers on a romantic level, the Indian Army had banned apps like Tinder, OK Cupid, and Bumble of its own accord back in July.

Who owns Tantan dating in India?

Momo Tantan was acquired by Momo for $600.9M on Feb 23, 2018 .

Is Tantan safe?

You will feel safe while using this dating app. However, this app lacks the sensuality that you will usually see on other popular dating apps. They might have the more intimate level of getting-to-know-you quiz game, but aside from that one, Tantan will just feel like any other regular social media site.

How can I recover my Tantan account?

0:222:14Tantan Online Dating App | Recover Account | Reset Tantan Forgotten YouTube

How do I register for Tantan?

0:002:17How to Create TanTan Account | TanTan Sign Up 2021 - YouTubeYouTube

Where is WhatsApp banned?

WhatsApp Banned Over 3 Million Accounts in India in June-July, 316 Ban Appeals Received From UsersWhatsApps latest report offers data from June 16 to July 31, 2021.WhatsApp says that it received a total of 594 grievance reports.Out of 594, 316 reports were account ban appeals.Sep 1, 2021

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