Question: How do you match Gana Kuta?

What does Gana Kuta mean?

Gana Koota is the 6th aspect in the Ashtakoota Milan system of Kundli Matching. It helps assess the temperament compatibility between partners, and the characteristic traits of the partners looking to get married. These Ganas dictate the temperaments and nature of the nakshatras belonging to it.

How is Tara koota calculated?

Tara Koota is calculated by counting the Nakshatra of the bride to the Nakshatra of the groom, and the remainder divided by 9 to get the answer-points. The maximum points for a category is 3.

Which Nakshatra is which Gana?

Nakshatra Gana TableDeva Gana NakshatrasManushya Gana NakshatrasRakshasa Gana NakshatrasAshwini NakshatraBharani NakshatraKrittika NakshatraMrigshirsha NakshatraRohini NakshatraAshlesha NakshatraPunarvasu NakshatraArdra NakshatraMagha NakshatraPushya NakshatraPurvaphalguni NakshatraChitra Nakshatra5 more rows

Which are all Maha Nakshatras?

Know about 27 Nakshatras and find out your character traits accordingly.Ashwini (Dev) Bharani (Manushya) Kritika (Rakshasa) Rohini (Manushya) Mrigashira (Dev) Ardra (Nakshatra) Punarvasu (Dev) Pushya (Dev)More items •8 Oct 2020

What is Yoni Guna?

Yoni koot (species) carries 4 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Hence Ashwini nakshatra is said to belong to Horse Yoni. Similarly, an animal is assigned to each one of the 27 nakshatras. Accordingly, the Yoni of each nakshatra is decided; based on these animals.

How is Yoni calculated?

If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are friendly towards each other, 3 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match. If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are neutral towards each other, 2 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

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