Question: How do you survive living with a perfectionist?

What are perfectionists afraid of?

Perfectionists tend to anticipate or fear disapproval and rejection from those around them. Given such fear, perfectionists may react defensively to criticism and in doing so frustrate and alienate others.

How can a perfectionist be happy?

HOW TO BE A HAPPY PERFECTIONISTBe conscious of your perfectionist traits and the impact they may be having on your daily life.Notice any thoughts you have of self-judgment. Be mindful of high bars youre setting for yourself. Accept your mistakes! Dont define yourself by a list of achievements or external factors.More items

How do you calm down a perfectionist?

Here are ten ways for perfectionists to sustain their drive and get more out of life:Create more realistic personal goals and expectations. Challenge your inner critic and dispute negative thoughts. Prioritize self care and invest in yourself. Practice saying no more often. Remember that time off is not time wasted.More items •Sep 8, 2016

Can perfectionism ruin your life?

Toxic perfectionism can fill you with depression, anxiety, anger, insomnia, and OCD tendencies. These impossible high standards will eat away at you. Perfectionism can be good, but toxic perfectionism can slowly ruin your quality of life and affect relationships that are near and dear to you.

Are perfectionists happy people?

Perfectionists are much less happy and easygoing than high achievers. While high achievers are able to bounce back fairly easily from disappointment, perfectionists tend to beat themselves up much more and wallow in negative feelings when their high expectations go unmet.

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