Question: What are clay pipes?

Vitrified clay pipe (VCP) is pipe made from a blend of clay and shale that has been subjected to high temperature to achieve vitrification, which results in a hard, inert ceramic. All VCP manufactured in the U.S. must comply with ASTM C425 to provide a flexible leak-free joint.

When were clay pipes in use?

Clay smoking pipes were first used in Britain in the 16th century following the importation of tobacco from the Americas. Early pipes tend to have small bowls as tobacco was relatively expensive at the period.

What is clay sewer pipe called?

Modern-day clay sewer pipes, also called terra cotta sewer pipes, are challenging to work with. There is an extensive process to create the pipes. The pipes are air-dried for 24 hours and then fired in a kiln for 50 hours, creating a ceramic-like end product.

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