Question: What is a matchmaker in Chinese culture?

In Chinese, the word xiangqin — commonly translated as “matchmaking” — is rich in cultural significance. It refers to single men and women who, having been introduced by a third party, get to know one another to decide if they are romantically compatible. In ancient China, matchmaking was an essential ritual.

Is matchmaking a thing in China?

There are more than 20,000 matchmaking agencies in China. They have names like the Tianjin Municipal Trade Union Matchmakers Association and the Beijing Military and Civilian Matchmaking Service. Some of them are unscrupulous brokers who try to con women into marrying lonely rural men.

Do Chinese do arranged marriages?

In 1950, China passed the New Marriage Law, which outlawed arranged marriages and concubines, and enabled women to divorce their husbands. But in practice, arranged marriages remained commonplace, and the language of freedom of marriage and divorce was not translated into the freedom of love, Pan said.

What is the definition of matchmaker?

: one that arranges a match especially : one who tries to bring two unmarried individuals together in an attempt to promote a marriage. Other Words from matchmaker Example Sentences Learn More About matchmaker.

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