Question: Is English spoken in Santiago Chile?

English is not widely spoken in Chile overall, with only around 10 percent of the population reported as being able to converse in English to some extent. Not many people speak good English in Chile, but your best chance is to ask younger people under 35, who may speak some basic phrases.

Do people in chili speak English?

3.3–5.5% of Chiles Population Minority speak English as a first language. English Chileans (Spanish: Anglochilenos) are citizens of Chile who are descended from English people who have emigrated. They are estimated to number 550,000-820.000 (5%-6% of the national population).

What language do they speak in Santiago Chile?

In Chile, Spanish is the official language. English is commonly spoken in the major cities, especially in Santiago. However, never assume that an individual speaks English.

How do they say hello in Chile?

Chilean Customs Chileans tend to appreciate formalities, so always greet a Chilean with a Buenas días or Buenas tardes. When two women, or a man and a woman, greet each other in a social setting, they do so with one kiss on the right cheek.

Is Chile a US ally?

Regarded as one of the least corrupt and most vibrant democracies in South America, with a healthy economy, Chile is noted as being one of the closest strategic allies of the United States in the Southern Hemisphere, along with Colombia, and remains part of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.

Can you drink the tap water in Chile?

Tap Water. The tap water in Chiles cities is generally safe but has a high mineral content that can cause stomach upsets; bottled water is a good idea for delicate stomachs and in the north. You can also disinfect water with iodine pills, a water filter or Steripen.

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