Question: What can you not do in China?

What things are you not allowed to do in China?

Ten Things Never to Do in ChinaNever accept a compliment graciously. Never make someone lose face. Never get angry in public. Never address people by their first names first. Never take food with the wrong end of your chopsticks. Never drink alcohol without first offering a toast.More items

What are the dos and donts in China?

Here is a list of DOs and DONTs when visiting China:Dos in China:#1 Ask locals if they have already eaten their meal when greeting them.#2 Be punctual.# 3 Greet older people first.#4 Eat and drink as much as you can.Donts in China.#1 Dont leave your chopsticks upright in your bowl or tap your bowl with them.More items •Mar 31, 2020

Is China a bad place to visit?

Most major cities in China are extremely safe. Violent crime remains rare and it is generally safe even for women walking alone at night. There are some scams, as in any country and petty crimes can happen especially in crowded areas.

How do you greet someone in China?

Chinese CultureHandshakes are the standard, casual greeting. In formal situations, people bow slightly or nod politely to greet one another formally. If seated, the Chinese will stand up out of respect when they are introduced to someone.Always greet those that are older than you first.More items

Can you drink tap water in China?

So can you drink the tap water in China? Yes. If your city discloses the water quality results at least on a monthly basis and those results show contaminants below regulations then its most likely safe to drink in the short to mid term.

How do Chinese greet old people?

A simple, soft handshake, a smile, and a friendly hi or ni hao (or nin hao to greet older Chinese people) will often suffice. When addressing Chinese people, address the eldest or most senior person first. Also, address the newly-met people with their honorific title and family name.

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