Question: What are some cool Italian words?

What are the most beautiful Italian words?

15 Beautiful Italian Words We Need in EnglishMamma mia. Impiraressa. Salve. From the Latin to be well. Torno subito. Meaning be back soon. Furbo. This means clever. Auguri. Meaning best wishes. Figurati. Meaning imagine. Daje. Meaning come on!More items

What are some Italian slang words?

10 Essential Italian Slang Words & ExpressionsChe figo! | How awesome! Che schifo! | Thats gross! In bocca al lupo | Good luck, Break a leg. Click play to hear it pronounced: Fregatura | Rip off. Click play to hear it pronounced: Figurati! I vecchi | Parents. Mannaggia | Damn! Devo filare | I gotta run/jet.More items •Jul 27, 2020

What are the most common Italian words?

Our list of the 1000 most common words in Italians below:NumberItalianin English1comeas/like2ioI3il suohis4chethat150 more rows

What are cool words?

GeneralDope - Cool or awesome.GOAT - Greatest of All TimeGucci - Good, cool, or going well.Lit - Amazing, cool, or exciting.OMG - An abbreviation for Oh my gosh or Oh my GodSalty - Bitter, angry, agitated.Sic/Sick - Cool or sweet.Snatched - Looks good, perfect, or fashionable; the new on fleekMore items •Jun 24, 2020

What does chooch mean in Italian?

Yes, Chooch means “a person without common sense” in Italian slang, from the word ciuccio, from which “chooch” is derived. However, in the south of Italy, Chooch also means donkey, something akin to the American slang of similar meaning, or in other words, an “idiot”.

What does che cosa mean in Italian?

This is indeed a common situation in Italian. Che, Cosa, and Che Cosa all can mean what. In order to keep things straight, know that Che Cosa is the most formal and correct way of saying it, Cosa is less formal but still very common used, and Che is generally slang.

What is a Stunad?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian slang] a stupid person.

What does na mean in Italian?

[ˌɛnˈeɪ] noun abbreviation. US) (= Narcotics Anonymous) associazione in aiuto dei tossicodipendenti.

What does Gucci mean in Italian?

Gucci is a slang term that means “Good,” “Cool,” “Great,” or “Awesome.” It is typically used to agree with someone or communicate that everything is “All good,” or “All Gucci.” The term comes from the Italian Gucci designer brand, which specializes in luxury fashion items, such as handbags, shoes, and jewelry.

What does che cosa mean?

If we translate word by word, “che” means “what” and “cosa” means “thing”. The versions “che” and “che cosa” as “what?” used to be the only options accepted, but “cosa” alone became prevalent with time. Literally “Thing you are eating tonight?”

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