Question: What happens when one partner is HIV positive and the other negative?

If both partners are HIV negative, then transmission cannot occur. This involves knowing the current HIV status of both you and your partner. This is not the same as knowing their status last year, or the last time either of you tested.

Can your partner be HIV positive and negative?

A: It is quite common for one partner to test positive and the other negative, even if they have been having sex without condoms. Mostly this is explained by luck and the role of other risk factors. Over time, most people will catch HIV if they continue to be at risk.

Can two HIV positive parents have a negative baby?

Q: Can two HIV-positive parents have an HIV-negative child? Yes, they can. Although HIV can pass from a woman with HIV to her child during pregnancy, at the time of birth, or when breast-feeding the infant, medical treatment of both the mother and her infant can minimize the chances of that happening.

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