Question: What happens when you hide your profile on Zoosk?

Your profile is hidden from Zoosk and wont be shown to other Zoosk members. You will keep your profile, connections, and message history. You wont be able to receive messages or other communications from Zoosk members. You wont receive emails or notifications from Zoosk or Zoosk members.

What does it look like when someone blocks you on Zoosk?

You Cant See Their Profile – They Could Have Blocked You Lets get straight to the point. If youve been talking with someone for a couple of days and now you cant see their profile or send them a message, that probably means the other person blocked you.

Can Blocked members see you on Zoosk?

If I block a connection, will they still be able to see my profile on Zoosk? No, they will not be able to look at your profile. If I have been blocked, can the person who blocked me still view my profile? No, this also prevents the person blocking you from seeing your information.

How do I block someone from seeing my profile on Zoosk?

From your computer To report abuse and block a member while using on a computer, first visit the profile of the person youd like to block. Next, click on the grey arrow located next to the members display name. Then, select Report/Block.

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