Question: What hand does an engagement ring go on in Brazil?

In Brazil, the fiancé and fiancée wear plain bands as engagement rings on their right hands, and upon saying their vows, they switch the rings to the left hand. Couples in Germany and the Netherlands often do the opposite: sporting engagement rings on the left hand and wedding rings on the right.

Do Brazilians wear engagement ring on right hand?

When Brazilians get engaged, both man and woman wear their aliança on the ring finger of the right hand. When they get married, the aliança is transferred to the left hand. Usually the couple has a matching set of alianças. Usually only the woman wears the anel de compromisso on her right hand ring finger.

What countries put engagement ring on right hand?

Engagement ring on the right hand. Southern European countries, Russia, Switzerland, … In Switzerland, Russia and many southern European countries, engagement rings are worn on the right hand.

Do engagement rings go on the right hand?

Just before the wedding ceremony, the engagement ring is exchanged onto the right hand so the wedding ring can be placed onto the left hand, to be worn closest to the heart. After the ceremony, the engagement ring is then placed on top of the new wedding band.

Why is the engagement ring on the right hand?

While engagement ring styles are usually easily spotted and known to be a pre-wedding symbol, its different for men. By wearing their wedding ring on their right hand! This differentiates it from meaning they are already married, while giving them a way to flaunt their love with a symbolic ring.

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