Question: Do Libras and Geminis make a good couple?

As two Air signs, Gemini and Libra will have no problem getting along. Theyre both intelligent, easy-going, sociable, and good with words. “An Air and Air sign couple tends to be a very strong match,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. “Being ruled by Venus, Libra is the quintessential romantic sign. As two Air signs

Are Gemini and Libra soulmates?

The two of them together can use their intellectual minds and knowledge and have endless conversations and understanding with each other. A Gemini is a great soulmate for Libra because will keep Libra entertained and wont ever stop wanting to get to know them. They are intrigued by the relationship.

Do Libras and Geminis get along together?

Gemini and Libra have an easy rapport since theyre genuinely curious about other people. Both have a light approach, which makes the relationship feel fresh. Theyll enjoy sharing ideas about everything, taking in cultural events and perhaps collaborating.

Are Libras and Geminis good in bed?

According to Mesa, Libra and Gemini are a perfect match in bed because they feed off each others curiosities. Theyre two of the most charming and flirtatious signs in the zodiac. A good conversation that leads to flirty back and forth exchanges is their idea of foreplay.

Who would Libras be a good couple with?

Both the signs are totally opposite and that makes them more compatible and adorable. Libra and Pisces are best together but they avoid each other a lot in their personal bad space. Pisces and Libra natives make a real good pair as their mutual understanding is the best ground for them.

What makes Libra happy?

Libras cannot be totally content if those closest to us are miserable, which is why making others happy is a key way Libras achieve happiness. Making people laugh and putting smiles on the faces of friends and family means the world to Libras.

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