Question: Is Lee Kwang Soo coming back to Running Man?

SEOUL - South Korean actor Lee Kwang-soo, a stalwart of popular variety show Running Man (2010 to present), will be going for a second operation for his ankle injury next month. He went for an operation and returned to Running Man two weeks after the accident, recording the show in crutches.

What episode does Kwang Soo come back?

Episode 133 – Behold, the “Asia Prince” The locals flocked to the airport to welcome the cast, and the screams were deafening, especially when Kwang Soo finally appeared.

What happened to Lee Kwang Soo?

“Running Man” aired its episode on June 13, which became a hilarious and tearful tribute for Lee Kwang-soo, who was announced to be leaving the show in April due to an injury he suffered last year in a car accident. He taped his last episode on May 24, which aired Sunday.

Why is there no episode of Running Man?

Running Man episode 565 was delayed because of the broadcast of the Tokyo Olympic Games, per an Instagram post by the official Running Man page. “We would like to inform you that [Running Man] will be canceled on August 1 due to the broadcast relationship of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

What episode does Yang Seman join Running Man?

She officially joined the program in the fourth landmark (episode 6) but was unable to attend until the fifth landmark (episode 7).

Is Running Man Episode 565 Cancelled?

Why was Running Man 565 delayed? Running Man episode 565 was delayed because of the broadcast of the Tokyo Olympic Games, per an Instagram post by the official Running Man page. “We would like to inform you that [Running Man] will be canceled on August 1 due to the broadcast relationship of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Who is the youngest Running Man member?

Formerly known as the youngest member of the show (at 19 years old), Lizzy is known for her cute looks and her aegyo.

Is Running Man a reality show?

Running Man is a reality-variety show where the cast must complete missions at various places to win the race. Running Man is a reality-variety show where the cast must complete missions at various places to win the race.

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