Question: What does a Capricorn horoscope say about dating?

Stable, self-reliant, and secure within themselves, Capricorns dont settle, Saya says. Many times, they wont start dating someone they dont actually see a potential long-term future with. Theyre always on the lookout for someone who will make the other half of a power couple.

What a Capricorn wants in a relationship?

However, they expect the same loyalty from their partners. Reliability, trustworthiness and dedication are of the utmost importance to Capricorn. Without loyalty, Capricorn will never feel stable or at home in their relationship, creating a romance thats destined to fail.

Who are Capricorns supposed to date?

Who should Capricorns marry? Though Capricorns are compatible with Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer, Scorpio makes for a perfect spouse. Earth signs are generally attracted to Water signs, as they balance one another. Scorpio and Capricorn make each other feel secure and safe, and constantly captivated.

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