Question: How do you meet people who sail?

Can one person sail?

The sport and practice of single-handed sailing or solo sailing is sailing with only one crewmember (i.e., only one person on board the vessel). The term usually refers to ocean and long-distance sailing and is used in competitive sailing and among Cruisers.

How big of a sailboat do you need to cross the Atlantic?

In essence, your sailboat shouldnt be less than six feet at it may be too dangerous out there. With that in mind, the best sailboat to cross the Atlantic should measure at least 30 or 40 feet long to be able to withstand the stormy weather and the rough waves and winds.

Are catamarans hard to sail?

Catamarans are usually faster than monohulls, particularly on downwind runs, reaches and broad reaches. Its less tiring to sail a catamaran than it is to sail a monohull. Its also a lot easier in many cases to board a cat on the sugar scoops than it is on many monohulls.

Are bigger yachts safer?

Most of them involve smaller boats. Many things come into play, and often the deaths and injuries dont involve collisions. But your chances in a collision in a large yacht usually are far better than if you were in a skiff — unless your large yacht is hit by a much larger yacht.

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