Question: How does a poly couple work?

Polygamy is being married to more than one person at the same time, whereas polyamory involves both married partners having the freedom to have relationships outside their primary relationship. Some relationships start off as being polyamorous, whereas others may become polyamorous after being together for a while.

What is the point of a poly relationship?

The point of polyamory is not secrecy but openness, communication, acting with caring and integrity, and sharing the love. Most poly people agree with their partners to maintain certain boundaries — things they will or will not do — and to communicate honestly about who they are involved with.

Are poly relationships illegal?

Polyamory and polygamy, which is illegal across the United States but is still in practice in some communities through spiritual unions, are vastly different. Equality is a key component of poly culture, and many polygamous marriages can be unequal.

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